Planning Board

Planning Board

The Planning Board consists of a five member board that meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. The Planning Board advises the Town Board on the comprehensive plan, zoning changes, subdivision regulations and any other town plans such as the open space plan. In addition the board reviews applications for:

Site Plan Approval - Discretionary review and determination of an application for land development or site alteration that may have adverse impacts on a site or important features in its vicinity.  The focus is on the design and layout of the proposal for an allowed use.

Special Permit- Discretionary review and determination of a land use proposal that may have adverse impacts on its surroundings and the community.  The focus is on the appropriateness of the use in a particular location.

Subdivision - The division of any parcel of land into two or more lots, plots, sites or other division of land with or without streets for the purpose of immediate or future sale, lease, or building development

Lot Line Adjustment - A modification of lot  boundaries affecting any lot shown on an approved and filed plat in which a portion of one or more lots is added to an adjoining lot or lots without an increase in the total number of buildable lots.

Lot Merger - A change in lot configuration that merges contiguous lots in the same ownership by eliminating but not changing any lot lines.

Depending on your project your application may need one or more of the approvals. The board reviews applications in relationship to adjacent uses, location and dimension of buildings, utilities, grade and contours, screening and landscape, drainage and erosion control. parking and access, lighting, signage, and any other aspects the board deems applicable from the town's code. 


Donald Kasper, Chair

Douglas Hamlin, Vice Chair

Jill Marshall, Planning Board Member

Jonathan Holbein, Planning Board Member

Samantha Parker-Fann, Planning Board Member

Scott Molnar, Planning Board Counsel

Karen Barkdull, Planning & Zoning Clerk

 Speaking at Meetings

Regular Board Meeting - The public has the right to attend and listen to the Board deliberations.  The public may participate upon the invitation of the Board.

Public Hearing - The public is invited to speak.  The Board is not obligated to answer questions or render a decision.

Public Information Meeting - A presentation is given to the public in order for the public to gain information on a specific project or topic.  Following the presentation, the public is given the opportunity to ask questions.  The presenter may discuss follow up-up action.

  Open Projects

Village Meadows Subdivision Preliminary Subdivision Approved.

Victory Sports Complex  Proposal is pending and on hold.

Victory Sports Site Plan

Victory Sports Lighting