

The Outreach office is available for members of our community who are experiencing difficulties and need help navigating the road ahead. If you are a resident in the Town of Skaneateles or have a child in the Skaneateles School district and find that you are in the need of assistance, please contact our office for confidential help.

If you would like to make a donation to the Outreach program please click here to donate online and select "Outreach Donations" from the dropdown menu. Or mail checks to: Outreach 24 Jordan Street, Skaneateles, NY 13152. All donations are tax deductible.


Jacque McConnaghy, Outreach Coordinator     outreach@townofskaneateles.com

Jean Babbles, Clerk


Our office is located at 819 West Genesee Street Skaneateles, NY, behind the Cedar House Bowling Alley
Our Mailing Address is 24 Jordan Street, Skaneateles, NY 13152
Office    315-685-0427              Cell    315-283-4281

Office Hours

Tuesday     9:30 a.m.-11:00a.m.

Thursday     6:30p.m.-7:30p.m.

And by appointment

Loan Closet

If you are a Town resident and are in the need of any medical equipment
Call 315-283-4281

Food Pantry 

The Skaneateles Food Pantry provides food to qualifying households in the Skaneateles village, town and school district. If you are in need, please stop in during hours of operation, call or send us an email. Proof of address is required.

 Both monetary and food donations are always needed and much appreciated. Monetary donations can be mailed to: PO Box 901, Skaneateles, NY. 13152 or use the PayPal link on our Instagram or Facebook page, Skaneateles Food Pantry.

 Interested in volunteering? Please contact us. 

 Contact info: (315) 685-5048 or email skanpantry@gmail.com

 Our location: 819 West Genesee St. (behind the old Cedar House) Skaneateles, NY 

Hours of Operation:

Tuesday     9:30am-11:00am

Thursday     6:30pm-7:30pm

Government Programs Available

Onondaga County Social Services   
HEAP - Heating Assistance            
SNAP Program - Food Assistance